Mark of The Beast
Antichrist will have total
control over the purchase and
sale of all goods:
"And he
causes all, the small and the
great, and the rich and the poor,
and the free men and the slaves,
to be given a mark on their right
hand or on their forehead, and he
provides that no one will be able
to buy or to sell, except the one
who has the mark, either the name
of the beast or the number of his
name. Here is wisdom. Let him who
has understanding calculate the
number of the beast, for the
number is that of a man; and his
number is six hundred and
sixty-six." Revelation
under the skin implant is
also being commonly
referred to as getting
"tagged" or
"chipped" by
The Digital Angel / RFID
An RFID tag is an object
that can be applied to or
incorporated into a
product, animal, or
person for the purpose of
identification using
radio waves. Some tags
can be read from several
meters away and beyond
the line of sight of the
reader. (press thumbnail
to left for larger image
Charles Walton The man
who invented the RFID
chip asks you
not to receive it when
the time comes
The beginning of this
article will reveal the
transcript from the video
in which
Charles Walton, the man
who invented the RFID
chip is speaking.
Video Transcript]
the actual video]