Mark of The Beast
l Return To End Time
Events That Will Occur l
Charles Walton The man
who invented the RFID
chip asks you
not to receive it when
the time comes
The beginning of this
article will reveal the
transcript from the video
in which
Charles Walton, the man
who invented the RFID
chip is speaking.
to the actual video]
transcript from his video is
Charles Walton:
Last night I talked about
my involvement in the development
of a little microchip implant and
many people have already taken
that microchip implant.
The news media has talked about
it being a good thing and they
will tell you that it's a good
thing to have this - your
children will never get lost
again, they won't be able to give
you the wrong medication. They
won't be able to lose this thing.
And so the plan is underway that
you will receive it.
I would be remiss if I came to
you and didn't tell you that
God's word says, Don't you
take it. No matter how nice
they make it sound. Tonight in
the signs of technology I'm going
to be showing you some things. I
want you to understand that there
is a conditioning that is done in
people. The television, I call it
a Babylonian idiot
box. On the television you
are being conditioned to accept
certain things. There is one good
thing on television it is
the off knob. Spend as much time
in God's word as you do watching
the Babylonian idiot box and God
will speak to you through His
word. And so you are being very
easily conditioned.
I've been in seventeen one-world
meetings. I was in Luxembourg
with Henry Kissinger, George
Schultz, and Bob Gates in a
meeting. It was discussed there
about the microchip. I was asked
many questions. And I answered
those questions. I have also
asked God to forgive me for being
in those meetings.
They said, We'll make them
aware of lost children! And
so, after that meeting, on paper
bags and milk cartons, all over
the United States, there were
pictures of lost children. And
then one day, all of those
pictures disappeared. They aren't
on them anymore.
....the video ends
Note: I have not been
able to find the continuation of
this video and I am not sure if a
continuation exists. In the event
I do discover it, I will add an
addendum to this article.
Charles Walton filed the first
patent with the word 'RFID' in
1983. Charles Walton, inventor of
the RFID technology in, died Nov.
6 at the age of 89 in California,
according to Network World.